I have the following sql statement:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT inv.CompanyID,
cust.CustID AS ClientID,
cust.CustName AS CustomerName,
inv.InvcKey, inv.PrimarySperKey AS SperKey,
inv.TranID AS InvoiceNumber,
inv.TranDate AS PostDate,
sper.SperName AS SalesPersonName,
inv.SalesAmt AS InvoiceSubAmount,
inv.TranAmt AS InvoiceTotal,
detl.InvoiceLineKey AS dtInvoiceLineKey,
detl.UnitCost AS calcUnitCost,
(detl.UnitPrice - detl.UnitCost) * dist.QtyShipped - detl.TradeDiscAmt AS detLineGrossProfit,
dbo.tPA00175.chrJobNumber AS ARJobNumber,
dbo.timItem.ItemID AS ARItemID,
dbo.timItemClass.ItemClassID AS ARItemClass,
dbo.tarInvoiceDetl AS detl RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.timItem INNER JOIN
dbo.timItemClass ON dbo.timItem.ItemClassKey = dbo.timItemClass.ItemClassKey ON detl.ItemKey = dbo.timItem.ItemKey RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo._v_GP_SalesTerr RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tarInvoice AS inv INNER JOIN
dbo.tarCustomer AS cust ON inv.CustKey = cust.CustKey ON dbo._v_GP_SalesTerr.CustKey = cust.CustKey ON
detl.InvcKey = inv.InvcKey LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tPA00175 INNER JOIN
dbo.paarInvcHdr ON dbo.tPA00175.intJobKey = dbo.paarInvcHdr.intJobKey ON inv.InvcKey = dbo.paarInvcHdr.InvcKey LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tarInvoiceLineDist AS dist ON detl.InvoiceLineKey = dist.InvoiceLineKey LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tarSalesperson AS sper ON inv.PrimarySperKey = sper.SperKey
If I wanted to add a field called Inventory.LastUnitCost where Inventory had a surrogate key called itemkey for the table "timitem", how would i add this in there where it would just look up the LastUnitCost field by itemkey? If there wasn't a LastUnitCost corresponding to the timitem table, it would just be null..
Everytime I attempt to add it as in Inner Join to timItem on Inventory.itemkey = timItem.itemkey, it affects the timItemClass.ItemClassID field where some of the catorgies do not show up anymore.
thanks in advance.