



The obvious cases for not using garbage collection are hard realtime, severely limited memory, and wanting to do bit twiddling with pointers. Are there any other, less discussed, good reasons why someone would prefer manual memory management instead of GC?


Emm... my professor's reason is to make our (his students') life harder and to teach us "the real thing". Haha :)

In general, though, garbage collection is not always optimized for your specific app, so if you're one good programmer, you will definitely do a better job at memory management than GC ever will.

Bad information. Look up Ben Zorn's paper on the measured cost of conservative garbage collection. And that's *conservative*, known to be slow compared with accurate GC.
Norman Ramsey
What do I know, I'm just a 2nd-yr CS student :D
+2  A: 

Temporary insanity?

Actually the only case I know of that you haven't covered is so-called "lifetime-based memory management", which sometimes goes under the name "pools" or "arenas" or "regions". The idea is that you're going to allocate a ton of objects, probably small, and they're all going to die at once. So you have a cheap allocator and then you recover all the objects in a single free operation.

These days there are program analyses that will enable a compiler to do this for you, but if you're writing C code, you do it by hand. There's an implementation with examples in Dave Hanson's C Interfaces and Implementations, and it's used in Fraser and Hanson's lcc compiler, which is written in C without a garbage collector.

Norman Ramsey
+2  A: 

When programming for embedded devices with limited resources. iPhone, for instance, uses reference-counting.

Or when programming something that is extremely intensive on your computer. SETI@Home and video games come to mind.

I would advise that you don't manage your own memory unless the situation dictates it's really necessary. Somebody famous once said that code is twice as hard to debug as it is to write. Well, memory management is hard enough in the first place. :)

Kevin Conner

When you are building high-performance apps such as first person shooter games, you don't want GC that will potentially impact your app's execution. Manually managing the memories in those apps allow you to decide the right time to free up resources.

Look up "incremental garbage collection" and visit Look for their logo on the splash screens of your favorite games...
Norman Ramsey
So lua is guaranteeing worst-case collection time now?
Simon Buchan
Your comments are misguided. Lua is just a scripting language and it's not used in the part of a game that requires the most performance. Show me a first person shooter game that uses a full-blown GC mechanism or Lua to implement their rendering pipeline or physics.
+1  A: 

The only reason NOT to use Garbage Collection for resource management is if you want to use RAII ala C++, but as it applies purely to memory, even then it's a reasonable idea to use it. (Note: It's still possible to do so, with gotcha's related to non-deterministic finalization).

That said, using Garbage Collection can use more memory than is strictly needed, so in severely memory constrained areas where one can not even spare the memory for managing the GC routines (and the code), then that's a good reason not to use it, too.

Additionally, if the language you use doesn't contain GC by default, such as C++, and you like to use RAII, then that's a reasonable reason too, though for some problems it can be very useful.

Ultimately it comes to tradeoffs - the more specialized your requirements, especially with regards to thread-safe RAII, the more complex it is to implement the GC, and GC might not buy you very much for your application.


If you have a ton of objects which are freed rarely the garbage collector will start and waste time just to find out that there are only a few objects to finalize. In extreme cases this may cause a huge performance penalty.


If you had infinite memory you'd not need garbage collection. :)

Scott Evernden

How about for security reasons? Eg if you've got an encryption private key in memory, you'd probably want it around for the shortest possible time.

Having said that, i think the way hardware is heading, learning the art of multithreaded programming may be more worth learning.

free() doesn't wipe memory either.
Simon Buchan
Good point - you'd probably want to zero out the memory. Having said that, with immutable strings for instance in C#, it's a challenge to zero it out, because the moment you change the string, it simply creates a new string. Some tricks would be required (or you could use SecureString)
+4  A: 

It IS possible to use garbage collection with hard real time, if you have fully incremental garbage collector with bounded execution time per byte of allocated memory, so, crazily enough, it is NOT necessarily a reason not to use garbage collection :)

One fundamental problem with garbage collection, though, is that it is difficult to estimate and manage the actual size of the working set in memory, because garbage collector can free your memory only delayedly. So, yes, when memory is restricted, garbage collection might not be a good choice.

Another problem with garbage collection is that it sometimes interferes with freeing other resources such as file descriptors, window handles, etc., because, again, the garbage collector might free those resources only delayedly, causing resource starvation.

Garbage collection can also cause cache trashing, because the memory is not necessarily allocated in a local fashion. For example, stack allocated memory is much more cache-friendly than heap-allocated short-lived objects.

Finally, garbage collection of course consumes CPU time :) So if you can code manually memory management you can save the CPU cycles the garbage collector would consume :)

Re: CPU time: manual memory management *also* takes up CPU time. Modern garbage collectors have an overhead of less than 3%. I doubt even the most experienced C programmer can get significantly below 1%. There's two ways you can look at this: either a garbage collector is twice as expensive as ...
Jörg W Mittag
... manual memory management, or the difference is negligible (~97% vs. ~99%).
Jörg W Mittag
Isn't the overhead of a garbage collector relative to the amount of "extra" memory available? By adding more memory, you need to reclaim garbage less often, making the process more effective. An old result is that if you consume 16X memory GC is MORE efficient than manual memory management.
Well, that also applies to manual memory management: if you have lots of memory, you need to free less often. Although of course the GC has a significant advantage: it can adapt its behavior to different circumstances at runtime, whereas with manual MM the programmer has to decide at design time.
Jörg W Mittag
Actually, it is different. With manual memory management (as long as you use e.g. new() or malloc()) you dealloc every block once, so it's O(N) where N=allocated objects. A stop-and-copy collector, say, runs in O(N) with N=size of reachable set during collection, a huge difference.