So I access my SVN repo using the good ol' putty session name trick. I can use TortoiseSVN and Subclipse just fine, the URL format looks like:
Example: svn+ssh://codecraig@dev-server/data/svn/my-code
So, I've checked out "my-code" to C:\my-code, now I am trying to use cygwin to check-in some changes.
I open cygwin, navigate to c:\my-code. I run "svn status" and it shows me the changes I have. Then I run:
svn ci -m "made some changes"
And I get back:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname dev-server: no address associated with name svn: Commit failed svn: Connection closed unexpectedly
How can I get cygwin to know about my putty sessions, assuming that's what the problem is here.