Given this MXML component:
<mx:TextBox id="test" text="{test2.text.length > 5}" />
How can I get an event dispatched whenever the value of test2.text.length > 5 changes? I've tried ChangeWatcher, BindUtils and PropertyChangeEvent, but no luck :(
Copying my comments from further down:
Well... I'm actually using a new bindable field, in my own TextField component, called validationResult. I'm trying to do atomic validations instead of the whole lot. Anyway. the test2.text.length > 5 condition is defined per instance so I can't hardcode it like that.
Example MXML:
<nui:NewTextInput id="mensualDeclarado2" validationResult="{mensualDeclarado3.text.length >= 5 && mensualDeclarado3.text.length <= 10)}" />
<nui:NewTextInput id="mensualDeclarado3" text="1234567890" />