Respectfully disagree with most of the above posters (sorry! mod me down if you want :-) )
First, the "only one super class" answer is lame. Anyone who gave me that answer in an interview would be quickly countered with "C++ existed before Java and C++ had multiple super classes. Why do you think James Gosling only allowed one superclass for Java?"
Understand the philosophy behind your answer otherwise you are toast (at least if I interview you.)
Second, interfaces have multiple advantages over abstract classes, especially when designing interfaces. The biggest one is not having a particular class structure imposed on the caller of a method. There is nothing worse than trying to use a method call that demands a particular class structure. It is painful and awkward. Using an interface anything can be passed to the method with a minimum of expectations.
public void foo(Hashtable bar);
public void foo(Map bar);
For the former, the caller will always be taking their existing data structure and slamming it into a new Hashtable.
Third, interfaces allow public methods in the concrete class implementers to be "private". If the method is not declared in the interface then the method cannot be used (or misused) by classes that have no business using the method. Which brings me to point 4....
Fourth, Interfaces represent a minimal contract between the implementing class and the caller. This minimal contract specifies exactly how the concrete implementer expects to be used and no more. The calling class is not allowed to use any other method not specified by the "contract" of the interface. The interface name in use also flavors the developer's expectation of how they should be using the object. If a developer is passed a
public interface FragmentVisitor {
public void visit(Node node);
The developer knows that the only method they can call is the visit method. They don't get distracted by the bright shiny methods in the concrete class that they shouldn't mess with.
Lastly, abstract classes have many methods that are really only present for the subclasses to be using. So abstract classes tend to look a little like a mess to the outside developer, there is no guidance on which methods are intended to be used by outside code.
Yes of course some such methods can be made protected. However, sadly protected methods are also visible to other classes in the same package. And if an abstract class' method implements an interface the method must be public.
However using interfaces all this innards that are hanging out when looking at the abstract super class or the concrete class are safely tucked away.
Yes I know that of course the developer may use some "special" knowledge to cast an object to another broader interface or the concrete class itself. But such a cast violates the expected contract, and the developer should be slapped with a salmon.