Thank you all for chiming in. It's tough to pick a winner, so I went with the highest voted with the most information. I'll check out perlmonks and I'll look into some of the books mentioned as well.
End Update
Let's say I'm looking for help with Perl. (I am. I'm just getting into it.)
Compared to PHP, I'm really disappointed by the quality of Perl-community tutorials and code examples / documentation.
I google: "Perl list files in directory" and just about everything I come across is bad advice, vague, poorly documented quick snippets, or just doesn't work.
http://perldoc.perl.org/ has really lame examples and almost no code comments or explanations of functions.
http://us2.php.net, on the other hand is really amazingly documented, clear, fleshed out, and makes sense to anyone just coming into contact with the language (or new function/feature of the language).
For example, compare these two pages for reading files in a directory.
Where can I find the best, most reliable set of examples of Perl code?