



What is the best way to learn Objective-C on linux (man I wish I had a mac)?

I know C/C++ pretty well and have always wanted to learn Objective-C becuase of the ability to make iPhone apps (if I had a mac).

So where do I start?

+5  A: 

If you don't have access to a Mac, then GNUStep is probably the best option for doing anything with Objective-C. Although the modern Cocoa frameworks on OS X are significantly more advanced than GNUStep's AppKit and Foundation frameworks, you will be able to learn the fundamentals (including Objective-C style) using GNUStep.

Barry Wark
+5  A: 

Buy a Mac, at the moment there's no reasonable alternative to Cocoa.

Some tutorials (Obj-C and Cocoa) can be found here:


Aaron Hillegass' book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X.

I can't afford one, trust me I would if I could. And will the first chance I get.
Lucas McCoy
Then buy an iPhone / iPod as you want to develop for them anyway. Objc-C is a simple language, the hard part is learning Cocoa and its techniques.
O.K. Just to be clear, I DON'T HAVE A JOB! I'm still in High School and anything with a lowercase i in front of it is expensive.
Lucas McCoy
A second-hand Intel Mac Mini has no lowercase prefix and will cost you $US200 on eBay. If you can't afford that, get a job or suffer the indignity of a Hackintosh.
Matt Gallagher
@Lucas: I share your pain...i do have a job, but mac and friends are quite expensive down here.
@gs you need a mac to write iPhone software.
@darren: That's not entirely true. You need Mac OS X to do it, but you could run it on a regular PC. The OP asked what he needs to _learn_ Objective-C to program for the iPhone _at a later time._ Learning the language doesn't require an iPhone.
+3  A: 

Check this website out Objective C Tutorial

Thats what I've been using and its a little helpful. Check out the dev forums at Apple. Also since you are using linux download Notepad++. Its a pretty helpful and includes syntax highlighting for a nice array of languages.

Cool tut, but I think I'll stick with GEdit as my text editor since it already comes with GNOME and syntax highlighting and plugins and....
Lucas McCoy