



Ok so this is kind of urgent at this point. I have a large-scale AIR application that is pigging out left and right, and by massive amounts of trace statements and generating my own stack traces (useful for debugging), I have found that each combo-box is getting it's lookup from the LookupManager class multiple times, equating to about 3-4 seconds per screen on initial load.

Each time seems to be the result of databinding, but the odd part is that it happens EVEN WHEN THE METHOD TO GET THE LOOKUP IS NOT BINDABLE. I'm tearing my hair out here and would appreciate some help a lot. If you know anything, please also email me at [email protected] as I have to have this project done by the end of the night, and, well... the speed issue is a bit of a problem right now.

The combo-box is obviosuly bound to the method, whether or not it is bidnable. One note - it is an autoComplete text input that has been customized (the component "released" by Adobe back in the day).

Useful bit of code for the day:

   throw new Error('Your Error');

that gives you the stack trace of the methods being called. Gives you an easy way to see hwat happening without throwing a breakpoint there. Just be warned that it is a lot, and you may want to increase the amount of text your console can display by right-click on the console and going into prefrences.