
If you can use JavaScript, something like the following should do it:

var rePassword = /password=\S+/g;
while (!WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream)
  WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(WScript.StdIn.ReadLine().replace(rePassword, 'password=sanitized'));

That will read its standard input, replace any occurrences of the string "password=" followed by any number of non-whitespace characters with the string "password=sanitized and write the results to standard output. You can tweak the rePassword regular expression and the replacement string to suit your requirements. Assuming you saved that script as "sanitize.js", you could run it from a batch script as follows:

cscript sanitize.js < logfile.log > logfile.sanitized
interesting approach. I'm going to try it with PowerShell though
Eugene Katz

I perused the PowerShell option and after getting past the encoding, quotes and a few other issues, here is my final solution:

powershell "& {(Get-Content $env:LOG_FILENAME)|Foreach-Object {$_ -replace [regex]::escape($env:PASSWORD), '######'} | Set-Content ($env:LOG_FILENAME+\".clean.\"+(get-date).toString('yyyyMMddhhmmss')+\".log\")}"

This line is called from a batch file, as the last step of the deployment script. Earlier in the script the values for LOG_FILENAME and PASSWORD are set.

Breaking it down:

Executing a PowerShell from a batch file:

powershell "& {...}"

Reading in the log file:

(Get-Content $env:LOG_FILENAME)

For each line, replace [regex]::escape($env:PASSWORD) with '######':

Foreach-Object {$_ -replace [regex]::escape($env:PASSWORD), '######'}

Escape any characters in the PASSWORD environment variable which may be interpreted as regex reserved character:


Save the output to a new log file with a .clean.[timestamp].log appended to the original name:

Set-Content ($env:LOG_FILENAME+\".clean.\"+(get-date).toString('yyyyMMddhhmmss')+\".log\")
Eugene Katz