



I find Apple's documentation quite limited on AudioFileStreamSeek and I cannot find any examples of actual usage anywhere. I have a working streaming audio player, but I just can't seem to get AudioFileStreamSeek to work as advertised...

Any help tips or a little example would be greatly appreciated!


Unless I'm mistaken, this is only available in the 3.0 SDK, and therefore under NDA. Maybe you should take this to the Apple Beta forums?

I stand corrected. AudioFileStreamSeek doesn't show up if you do a search in the online 2.2.1 documentation. You have to manually dig into the docs to find it.

Shawn Craver
No. I just check the XCode docs for AudioFileStreamSeek and it says: Available in iPhone OS 2.0 and later.
I stand corrected. AudioFileStreamSeek doesn't show up if you do a search in the online 2.2.1 documentation. You have to manually dig into the docs to find it.
Shawn Craver

I am told this works

AudioQueueStop( audioQueue, true ); UInt32 flags = 0; err = AudioFileStreamParseBytes(audioFileStream, length, bytes, kAudioFileStreamParseFlag_Discontinuity);

OSStatus status = AudioFileStreamSeek( audioFileStream, framePacket.mPacket, &currentOffset, &flags );
NSLog(@"Setting next byte offset to: %qi, flags: %d", (long long)currentOffset, flags);

// then read data from the new offset set by AudioFileStreamSeek
[fileHandle seekToFileOffset:currentOffset];
NSData * data = "" readDataOfLength:4096];

flags = kAudioFileStreamParseFlag_Discontinuity;
status = AudioFileStreamParseBytes( stream, [data length], [data bytes], flags );
if( status != noErr )
 NSLog(@"Error parsing bytes: %d", status);
