




Due to some bad practices regarding branching within a project in work, I am looking for an application that I can point at a subversion server and produce a map that will graphically outline the rats nest that exists.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Liam

+4  A: 

If you are using Windows, does the TortoiseSVN revision graph not do what you want?

Also note that the TortoiseSVN revision graph was overhauled for the 1.6 release, so be sure to upgrade first.
Wim Coenen
+1, I've just done this myself for some of our projects, and looking at 1.6's revision graph just now, wish I'd waited for this to be released.
Jim T
Thanks for the suggestion, I upgraded to the latest version of tortoiseSVN and tried the graph but it kept timing out. I'm guessing that this is a 1.6 server specific feature? (We're running 1.1.4 - separate problem!!!) It did, however work with https://svn.apache.org/

Try svn ls -R for a command-line version. Not terribly graphical, though.

John Feminella

More cross-platform solution is to use svn-graph.pl (http://subversion.tigris.org/tools_contrib.html#svn_graph_pl) with GraphViz (http://www.graphviz.org/)

Some assembly likely required.

Jukka Dahlbom