I have been using this method to filter my queries:
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[pGetTask]
@showCompletedTasks bit = 1
,@showInProgressTasks bit = 1
,@taskID int = null
,@projectID int = null
,@applicationID int = null
,@clientID int = null
... Snip ...
a.clientID = isnull(@clientID, a.clientID)
and a.applicationID = isnull(@applicationID, a.applicationID)
and p.projectID = isnull(@projectID, p.projectID)
and t.taskID = isnull(@taskID, t.taskID)
and curr.complete = case @showCompletedTasks when 0 then 0 else curr.complete end
and curr.complete = case @showInProgressTasks when 0 then 1 else curr.complete end
This actually slows my queries by 2 seconds on a 664 row result set. The SQL tuning advisor isn't much help, so I figure this is not the right way to do this. Is there a right way, besides a ton of if statements?