...specifically, the fn_listextendedproperty system function in MSSQL 2005.
I have added an Extended Property to my database object, named 'schemaVersion'. In my MSVC application, using ADO, I need to determine if that Extended Property exists and, if it does, return the string value out of it.
Here is the T-SQL code that does what I want. How do I write this in C++/ADO, or otherwise get the job done?
select value as schemaVer
from fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default)
where name=N'schemaVersion'
Here's the code I tried at first. It failed with the error listed below the code:
_CommandPtr cmd;
cmd->ActiveConnection = cnn;
cmd->PutCommandText("select value "
"from fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default) "
"where name=N'schemaVersion'");
VARIANT varCount;
cmd->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdText);
...here are the errors I peeled out of the ADO errors collection. The output is from my little utility function which adds the extra text like the thread ID etc, so ignore that.
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : === 1 Provider Error Messages : =======================
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : [ 1] (-2147217900) 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'default'.'
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : (SQLState = '42000')
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : (Source = 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server')
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : (NativeError = 156)
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : ==========================================================
EDIT: Updated the call according to suggestions. Also changed "SELECT value AS schemaVer" to just "SELECT value".
EDIT: Changed the first parameter of Execute() to NULL per suggestion. This fixed my original problem, and I proceeded to the next. :)