The problem is to select a "random" sequence of N unique numbers from the range 1..M where there is no constraint on the relationship between N and M (M could be much bigger, about the same, or even smaller than N; they may not be relatively prime).
Expanding on the linear feedback shift register answer: for a given M, construct a maximal LFSR for the smallest power of two that is larger than M. Then just grab your numbers from the LFSR throwing out numbers larger than M. On average, you will throw out at most half the generated numbers (since by construction more than half the range of the LFSR is less than M), so the expected running time of getting a number is O(1). You are not storing previously generated numbers so space consumption is O(1) too. If you cycle before getting N numbers then M less than N (or the LFSR is constructed incorrectly).
You can find the parameters for maximum length LFSRs up to 168 bits here (from wikipedia):
Here's some java code:
* Generate a sequence of unique "random" numbers in [0,M)
* @author dkoes
public class UniqueRandom
long lfsr;
long mask;
long max;
private static long seed = 1;
//indexed by number of bits
private static int [][] taps = {
null, // 0
null, // 1
null, // 2
{3,2}, //3
//m is upperbound; things break if it isn't positive
UniqueRandom(long m)
max = m;
lfsr = seed; //could easily pass a starting point instead
//figure out number of bits
int bits = 0;
long b = m;
while((b >>>= 1) != 0)
if(bits < 3)
bits = 3;
mask = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < taps[bits].length; i++)
mask |= (1L << (taps[bits][i]-1));
//return -1 if we've cycled
long next()
long ret = -1;
if(lfsr == 0)
return -1;
do {
ret = lfsr;
//update lfsr - from wikipedia
long lsb = lfsr & 1;
lfsr >>>= 1;
if(lsb == 1)
lfsr ^= mask;
if(lfsr == seed)
lfsr = 0; //cycled, stick
ret--; //zero is stuck state, never generated so sub 1 to get it
} while(ret >= max);
return ret;