Ok, this may sound a little weird, but what I need to do is simple. I have a list of companies and each one has a description. The site is in 4 languages. My problem comes when I have listed a company in English but the person who is in charge of translating it in French still didn't make the translation, so I have a simple:
company.id DESC
The real query is more complex, but I think it will be easier with this one to understand the problem. What I need to do is, when the description is empty in langid 2 then show me the langid 1 as langid 1 is always the first one that will be added. I don't want to show the description field empty.
Imagine row 1, row 2, row 3 and row 5 have a description for langid 2 but not row 4 and row 6. I need to show langid 2 for the rows containing it but langid 1 for the rows with no description.
I know that I could probably do a while with a @i field incrementing and inserting the results one by one in a temp table, but is there any better way of doing it?