If you don't mind using a little VBScript you can use something like this:
' http://classicasp.aspfaq.com/date-time-routines-manipulation/can-i-make-vbscript-format-dates-for-me.html
' Use MSSTDFMT to mimic VB's Format() function. Provides more flexibility in
' formatting dates than the VBScript FormatDateTime() function.
On Error Resume Next
dim fmt
dim rs
set fmt = WScript.CreateObject("MSSTDFMT.StdDataFormat")
set rs = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Fields.Append "fldExpression", 12 ' adVariant
fmt.Format = WScript.Arguments(0)
rs("fldExpression").DataFormat = fmt
rs("fldExpression").Value = Now()
WScript.Echo rs("fldExpression").Value
set fmt = nothing
set rs = nothing
I put this in a file called formatDate.vbs. You can then call from the command line, passing in the format you want:
C:>cscript //nologo formatDate.vbs "mm-dd-yyyy"
C:>cscript //nologo formatDate.vbs "dd-mm-yyyy"
C:>cscript //nologo formatDate.vbs "dd-MMM-yy"
C:>cscript //nologo formatDate.vbs "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm"
04/02/2009 10:10
C:>cscript //nologo formatDate.vbs "dddddd ttttt"
Friday, April 03, 2009 6:48:57 AM
C:>cscript //nologo formatDate.vbs "General Date"
4/3/2009 6:49:53 AM
See Predefined Date/Time Formats and User-Defined Date/Time Formats in the MSDN for a complete list of formats you can use.
The MSSTDFMT object depends on the availability of MSSTDFMT.dll, which is installed by Visual Studio 6.0.
The MSSTDFMT.dll appears to be available on Windows XP and Windows 2003 servers; I checked a few machines that have never had MS Visual Studio installed and the DLL was present.