



Dear All,,

I am in position of designing a website now, purely in Java using J2EE components mentioned in the title..

I have designed the Business Logic for my project using J2SE.. and now i want to design a website (an attractive looking website) which would incorporate that logic into my website based project...

So i need guidance in two major things:-

1) I have used extensibly Java J2SE to design my algorithm i.e. Business Logic.. Now i want to transform that into website.. so that it should take data as it takes in my J2SE logic.. So how can i do that... Or i need to transform my whole code again,, which would not be a big problem to me,, but i have used some Packages which i found on internet which is used in that logic,, so are they easily transformable..

2) Please provide me some useful guide or online website or any help or experience related to designing a good website,, so that i could learn those concepts/art first and use them in my website then.. I am just a fresher in designing a website, but i have 2-3months extensively to concentrate on these things.. So please guys i need your help here to get started... I have very basic idea about website designing...

Thankks a lot..

+1  A: 

I will tell the method which I am folllowing.

1) Develop a prototype for the website as static HTML. Ideally during this phase the CSS and javascript should be completed using some mock data.

Note: Usually I don't do this step since I am a bad designer. I will post my requirement in a website like or and use the output for my next phase.

2) Prototype conversion to JSP. Based on your architecture you can choose any MVC framework here.

Note: This step also can use mock data in java classes if the Data Access Layer is not ready.

3) Finally integrate all layers so that the look and feel designed by a professional designer is maintained as well as you integrated your business logic so that you got a good professional web application.

The steps I mentioned above may look little bit out of head if you are quite new to the industry. However you will learn things by experience which is the best teacher.

Jerrish Varghese

I am not adding any value to this answer. But, I am tempted to say that - a good and attractive website is usable & makes a user feel easy (whether you use J2SE or any other technology, does the user care?)

To put it other way, you can use best of the technology but it doesn't necessarily help bring/retain the user.
