



I'm using Apache with passenger to run a rails app. In my rails app, I have some static content in subdirectories of the public directory. Each subdirectory has an index.html in it.

So, inside the public directory, I have a subdir called 'b' and inside it, is an index.html. So it's like this:


I have links to these pages, of the form:

If I do this in my regular non-rails web directory, Apache correctly rewrites this URL to be which then, subsequently shows the index.html. It's only when accessing my rails app that it doesn't work. In fact, if I turn off passenger mod... so it just accesses my rails app like a regular document root, it works correctly also.

What the heck do I need to do to get this to work properly with passenger? Again, it works fine in apache itself when passenger is not involved.

I am running passenger 2.1.3. I have another server running passenger 2.0 that doesn't seem to have this problem, but I don't see anything different in the config other than the different versions of passenger itself.

HELP! Been working on this for two days solid with no improvement!


Do you have PassengerHighPerformance on? That can interfere with index pages.

No I don't. I reverted my passenger from 2.1.3 to 2.0.6 and the problem went away. I think it's something broken in 2.1.3.

Add the following rewrite rule to your apache config:

# Turn on URL rewriting
RewriteEngine On
# For a given url foo, check if foo/index.html exists as a static file
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1/index.html [QSA]