




I want to send current date with URL in flex from client side and want to get it on the server. I am using MXML and ActonScript.

Please help me.


you may have a look at

and read from there to see, what you need for your kinf od request (HTML, XML).

in short, you have to have some dataservice (f.e. mx:HTTPService) and appropriate methods (send) and connect them with your controls

EDIT: system time:

Peter Miehle

Thanks for your reply. I have done what u r saying. Have a look.

<mx:request xmlns="">

AT the server,

echo "GET: ".$_GET['sysdatetime'];

I have called it like, creationComplete="test.send();"

sysdatetime gives me current date time of client system. But at the server, i am not getting it.

Devesh M
please do not answer your own post, but instead edit your original question to provide the relevant information!
Peter Miehle
to answer my comment:-) this is not a forum in classical style, but the posts are reordered according to votes, so if someone else would answer, nobody would figure out, which answer your "..for your reply.." is bound to.
Peter Miehle
+1  A: 

Here's an example of how to pass an object using the HTTPService's send() method. Just wrap your Date object and pass it via a send() call.
