I'm looking for a little shell script that will take anything piped into it, and dump it to a file.. for email debugging purposes. Any ideas?
Use Procmail. Procmail is your friend. Procmail is made for this sort of thing.
The standard unix tool tee can do this. It copies input to output, while also logging it to a file.
Huh? I guess, I don't get the question?
Can't you just end your pipe into a >> ~file
For example
echo "Foobar" >> /home/mo/dumpfile
will append Foobar to the dumpfile (and create dumpfile if necessary). No need for a shell script... Is that what you were looking for?
If you want to analyze it in the script:
while /bin/true; do
read LINE
echo $LINE > $OUTPUT
But you can simply use cat. If cat gets something on the stdin, it will echo it to the stdout, so you'll have to pipe it to cat >$OUTPUT. These will do the same. The second works for binary data also.
if you don't care about outputting the result
cat - > filename
cat > filename
If you want a shell script, try this:
exec cat >/path/to/file
If exim or sendmail is what's writing into the pipe, then procmail is a good answer because it'll give you file locking/serialization and you can put it all in the same file.
If you just want to write into a file, then - tee > /tmp/log.$$ or - cat > /tmp/log.$$ might be good enough.