



+2  Q: 

Resharper Hotkeys

I just started using resharper and I am trying to learn all the hotkeys - Is there a list of all the hotkeys somewhere for the standard install? Something this is possibly in printable format.

+9  A: 

See here:

Both files are in PDF.

Anton Gogolev
exactly what I was looking for thanks!!
Ted Smith
Note that while these are valid links, they refer to keymaps for R# 4.5. To get keymaps for the current R# version, go to ReSharper documentation page: http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/documentation/

Yes, the lists for the differnent keyboard layouts are available as PDF here

+1  A: 

You bet. Go to this page: Resharper Documentation and near the top are 3 download links to the various keymap PDF's - I use the Visual Studio Scheme so that's the PDF I downloaded.

Of further note, the link to the main online help docs in on the page as well.

Hope this helps.

+1  A: 

In addition to the PDF keymaps that JetBrains officially maintains and updates with every new release, you can also take a look at Keymaps for ReSharper - a ReSharper plug-in by Howard van Rooijen that helps you learn R# shortcuts in either keymap.


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