I have a TileList with a custom ItemRenderer, and each item shows an image which it extgracts from the data it receives from the dataProvider. The wierd thing is, and I have no clue why is some items are show images that are not in their data-bock but in another items data. If I am extracting the image url from its own data I have no clue how it can be getting the image urls from another item. I used a tool tip to show the image url and the item's data and verified that the URL is not in its data.
Here is temp XML I am using:
<bs item_id="1">
<variation price="300" month="JAN" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>jan.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="400" month="FEB" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>feb.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="550" month="MAR" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>march.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="625" month="APR" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>april.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<bs item_id="2">
<variation price="300" month="JAN" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>jan.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="400" month="FEB" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>feb.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="550" month="MAR" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>march.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="625" month="APR" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>april.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<bs item_id="3">
<variation price="300" month="JAN" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>jan.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="400" month="FEB" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>feb.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="550" month="MAR" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>march.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="625" month="APR" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>april.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<bs item_id="4">
<variation price="300" month="JAN" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>PE105-BT.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="400" month="FEB" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>PE105-EM.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="550" month="MAR" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>PE105-OP.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
<variation price="625" month="APR" stone="Garnet" image="<?=$img_dir?>PE105.png" style="xsdfcSD" gold_color="Yellow" gold_carat="10"/>
Each item gets a < bs > block. (4 items)
And here is the code from the ItemRender:
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="150" height="150" xmlns:local="*">
import mx.controls.Alert;
private var _randomIndex:uint;
private var _indexSet:Boolean;
private function getRandomImage ():String
if (!_indexSet)
var maxIndex:uint = data.children().length();
_randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*maxIndex);
_indexSet = true;
return data.children()[_randomIndex].@image;
<local:LoadingImage id="tn" toolTip="{tn.source+'\n\n'+data}" source="{getRandomImage()}" width="150" height="150"/>
The 2nd and 3rd are showing images that are only in the 4th block.
Does anyone see something I am not seeing?