I need to convert a MySql Database to SQL server. I received the database in a zip file containing only *.frm, *.MYI and *.MYD. Im not familiar with MySQL. I downloaded and installed version 5.1 server and tools. I copied that folder containing the files to the folder where the other databases are located. Using MySql administrator, in CATALAGS-DATABASENAME->SCHEMA TABLES, I can see the tables listed. Some are in red and a message "incorrect key file for table 'xxxxxxxx', try to repair it. I already tried to repair some of the tables and a message stating the table is corrupt appears. I don't know if the client just copy the tables from the folder or used and "Detach"/"Backup" procedure. I'm familiar with SQL server and I know that if you just copy a MDF/LDF with out detaching it first, most likely will not work. Is this the case here?
Thanks in advance.