I think that the jar task is NOT what I need. I have to execute an existing jar, not to create a new jar.
I know fileset and dirset (which I'm using).
What I was able to achieve is this
<pathconvert pathsep="\" "" property="folders_temp">
<dirset dir="junitHistory">
<include name="junit*"/>
<property name="folders" value=""${folders_temp}\""/>
<java dir="junitHistory" jar= "./unitth.jar" fork="true" output="ant.log">
<arg value="${folders}"/>
With these, jar is executed, but the problem is that all folders s1...SN are passed with the full path (ie c:\aaa\bbb\ccc\s1\, c:\aaaa\bbb\ccc\s2, etc) and for some reason this does not work for the jar (the jar is an external library that we cannot modify).
So, what I have to do is find a way to list folders without absolute path. Maybe there is some parameters in the pathconvert task, or I need to use a different task to create a property with the list of folders ?
thank you