I have a jquery HTML page which loads a form.
The form has a bunch of settings, but eventually the form gets submitted using a post command (see below) which returns an HTML page built by a script running on the server.
This works fine, except when the script runs longer than 5 minutes. The post command just returns nothing.
I tried using the timeout command in the high level page as follows:
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false, timeout: 18000000 }) ;
But this does not seem to work. Does anyone have a suggestion?
Here is the post command:
$.post('/cgi-bin/tw_lookup_3.cgi', lookupData, function(data){
var page = $(data).find('input[name=result_dir]').val();
$('#results').load( page + "/TW_LOOKUP_RESULTS.html");
$('#SubmitQuery').val('Submit Query');