From time to time you can see smooth animated transition displayed for resizing, expanding and appearing graphical controls. Not just some tail-wagging file search dog, but animation of widget configuration changing it's state structurally and/or geometrically.
I haven't used Windows Vista much, but sure know that on XP you can set this sort of effects for drop-down menus. What about other systems/graphical shells? Is it achieved automatically at the system level so that the application code (even graphical framework) doesn't deal with it at all?
I know that Qt has a set of classes for animation. How about other gui frameworks (wxwidgets, swing, gtk,.. you name it)? Couldn't there be clashes with the system animation (-> prev paragraph) as some frameworks rely on the native API?
What are the best practices for design, in terms of mirco-arhcitechture, of animated transitions for controls? What visual design could be used? How do they operate together with layouts/sizer and automatic sizing? What about performance?
It's a broad question, and I hardly expect it to be solved by a single answer. But just any clue that'd help to understand the general picture would be greatly appreciated.