Your query is fine, but it needs a bit of help (indexes) to get faster results.
I don't have my resources at hand (or access to SQL), but I'll try to help you from memory.
Conceptually, the only way to answer that query is to count all the records that share the same word_id. That means that the query engine needs a fast way to find those records. Without an index on word_id, the only thing the database can do is go through the table one record at a time and keep running totals of every single distinct word_id it finds. That would usually require a temporary table and no results can be dispatched until the whole table is scanned. Not good.
With an index on word_id, it still has to go through the table, so you would think it wouldn't help much. However, the SQL engine can now compute the count for each word_id without waiting until the end of the table: it can dispatch the row and the count for that value of word_id (if it passes your where
clause), or discard the row (if it doesn't); that will result in lower memory load on the server, possibly partial responses, and the temporary table is no longer needed. A second aspect is parallelism; with an index on word_id, SQL can split the job in chunks and use separate processor cores to run the query in parallel (depending on hardware capabilities and existing workload).
That might be enough to help your query; but you will have to try to see:
CREATE INDEX someindexname ON sentence_word (word_id)
(T-SQL syntax; you didn't specify which SQL product you are using)
If that's not enough (or doesn't help at all), there are two other solutions.
First, SQL allows you to precompute the COUNT(*) by using indexed views and other mechanisms. I don't have the details at hand (and I don't do this often). If your data doesn't change often, that would give you faster results but with a cost in complexity and a bit of storage.
Also, you might want to consider storing the results of the query in a separate table. That is practical only if the data never changes, or changes on a precise schedule (say, during a data refresh at 2 in the morning), or if it changes very little and you can live with non perfect results for a few hours (you would have to schedule a periodic data refresh); that's the moral equivalent of a poor-man's data warehouse.
The best way to find out for sure what works for you is to run the query and look at the query plan with and without some candidate indexes like the one above.