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I wonder if any of you have a "programming" job where you get to code but that is not all you do. For example, do any of you have a job where you get to code, but someone might call you for desktop support? Do you have the kind of job where you may get to code for days but often are a jack of all trades, having to fix network, desktop, printers, email, etc.?
I ask because so many of you are great coders and it appears that that is all you do; thus, you get really good at it. There are advantages to the jack of all trades such as learning about various technologies and how you can fit it together with code. Plus if you're really off that day, sick, etc., you can fix a PC instead of racking your brain, not producing much (i.e. you get a break and you can think about code without being at the project.) On the other hand, you never really get good, really good, at programming, like so many of you.
Just curious. Thank you.