Hello all. I've been trying for some time to use the ExternalInterface.call method in flash, to no avail (see here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757390/actionscript-javascript here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/818089/using-externalinterface-in-flash and here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/825316/flash-trace-output-in-firefox-linux) and now I'm trying to trace ExternalInterface.available. So far my best option seems to be FlashTracer for firefox, except that I have to have flash player 9 installed. I've removed my old flash player and downloaded the appropriate files (http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/9/flash_player_9_linux_dev.tar.gz). According to the readme included these are the steps for installation:
Installing the debugger plugin tar.gz using Install script:
o the debugger plugin is located at:
o Unpack the tar.gz file
o In terminal, navigate to the unpacked directory and enter:
+ $ ./flashplayer-installer
+ Click Enter key and follow prompts
except there's no file called flashplayer in the debugger directory. Anyone else ran into this? How can I install flash player 9 debugger on my Ubuntu system?