




Collectively check space of files in linux...

I have nearly more than 100 of files ...to check the size collectively...

Edit: What I need is: I have a folder containing 1000 files and I need something so that I can calculate the total sum [of what?] of 100 files only which I need...not all 1000 files.....

+4  A: 

This command will give you the size in kilobytes of all the individual files/directories in the current directory:

du -ks *

This command will give you the combined total size of the current directory:

du -ks .

If you need to recurse and get more detailed info, the find command might help.

Andy White

I'm no linux guru, but there should be some switch of the ls command that shows size.

If that fails, look into using du.

Charlie Somerville

This is a bit vague ... Assuming all you want is to get the total size of a bunch of files, there's any number of solutions.

If the files are all in the same directory, one very easy way is to just use

ls -lh | head -1

This prints a single line showing the "total" number, with a friendly "human-readable" (that's the -h option to ls) unit even.

Note that this does not work with wildcards, since then ls suppresses its "total"-line.

+1  A: 

If you want the total size of all files in the current directory (In "human readable format")

du -sh
John T

Using gdu:

aaa:vim70> gdu 
5028    ./doc
4420    ./syntax
176     ./compiler
16      ./macros/hanoi
16      ./macros/life
48      ./macros/maze
20      ./macros/urm
200     ./macros
252     ./keymap
18000   .

You can use --max-depth to limit the depth of the search:

aaa:vim70> gdu --max-depth=1
5028    ./doc
136     ./print
76      ./colors
4420    ./syntax
420     ./indent
628     ./ftplugin
1260    ./autoload
64      ./plugin
800     ./tutor
3348    ./spell
176     ./compiler
200     ./macros
112     ./tools
844     ./lang
252     ./keymap
18000   .

Notice that the subdirectories of macros don't appear.

or even:

aaa:vim70> gdu --max-depth=0
18000   .

The default unit is kilobytes. You can use -h to get it in human readable form:

aaa:vim70> gdu --max-depth=1 -h
5.0M    ./doc
136k    ./print
76k     ./colors
4.4M    ./syntax
420k    ./indent
628k    ./ftplugin
1.3M    ./autoload
64k     ./plugin
800k    ./tutor
3.3M    ./spell
176k    ./compiler
200k    ./macros
112k    ./tools
844k    ./lang
252k    ./keymap
18M     .

Nathan Fellman
plz come to linux and simple commands
i am not able to understand
@vivek: these two comments are not very sensible - though the first is better than the second.
Jonathan Leffler