Using gdu:
aaa:vim70> gdu
5028 ./doc
4420 ./syntax
176 ./compiler
16 ./macros/hanoi
16 ./macros/life
48 ./macros/maze
20 ./macros/urm
200 ./macros
252 ./keymap
18000 .
You can use --max-depth
to limit the depth of the search:
aaa:vim70> gdu --max-depth=1
5028 ./doc
136 ./print
76 ./colors
4420 ./syntax
420 ./indent
628 ./ftplugin
1260 ./autoload
64 ./plugin
800 ./tutor
3348 ./spell
176 ./compiler
200 ./macros
112 ./tools
844 ./lang
252 ./keymap
18000 .
Notice that the subdirectories of macros
don't appear.
or even:
aaa:vim70> gdu --max-depth=0
18000 .
The default unit is kilobytes. You can use -h
to get it in human readable form:
aaa:vim70> gdu --max-depth=1 -h
5.0M ./doc
136k ./print
76k ./colors
4.4M ./syntax
420k ./indent
628k ./ftplugin
1.3M ./autoload
64k ./plugin
800k ./tutor
3.3M ./spell
176k ./compiler
200k ./macros
112k ./tools
844k ./lang
252k ./keymap
18M .