



Is there a decent browser-based javascript self-editor?

It is obvious one can make a quick js editor with a page containing a form textarea, some buttons and callbacks. I'm wondering if someone has taken that as a beginning and ran with it.

The javascript to be edited could be defined in a global string or it could be a served .js

The ideal editor would show a pretty version inside a browser window and provide some kind of development environment for editing the script.

It is understood that user-written scripts would only exist inside the browser and could not be saved without some additional server-side functionality. The ideal package would discuss and explore this.... but I'd settle for anything that just lets the user make their own simple changes to 100-200 line scripts.

+4  A: 

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for, but does jsbin satisfy your needs?

Stuart Branham
+1 great site to test some quick js
Andreas Grech
+3  A: 

The hard part of what it sounds like you want to do is going to be parsing the javascript so that you can do intelligent things with it. The CodeMirror library can help you develop something to put on a page.

If you don't have to embed this in an existing page, EtherPad will do javascript syntax highlighting for you and throw in realtime collaborative editing for free.

Waylon Flinn
+2  A: 

Do also check out Bespin.


