+1  A: 

Apple does not make the iPhone-style calendar UI part of the public API. You'll need to build your own calendar or contract it out.

Alex Reynolds
Wow, that sorta sucks doesn't it? You'd think they would want their developers to not have to worry about re-inventing this stuff.
Wally Lawless
Developers should file a feature request with Apple at http://bugreporter.apple.com. The more developers that ask for a UICalendar, the more likely we'll see one available.
Alex Reynolds

This thread on the Apple Support forums confirms what Alex Reynolds says:

No, does not exist (except in Apple's private library). I had to build one from scratch (actually I "outsourced" building the custom class to a Colorado iPhone development outfit via eLance) in order to develop my calendar-based app

The only thing I could find was this, which is a iPhone calendar control. It doesn't look identical to Apple's one, but it's close (and would probably be a good starting point if you need it to look similar)

+1  A: 

Late to the party, but this question is answered here:


Thank you! I just asked to close my question as well, even if I did asked first