+1  A: 

Try using a TextBlock to bind to the DisplayerName instead of a ComboboxItem. I believe that when you set the itemsource, the combo control will wrap the items inside comboboxitems controls automatically.

Edit: I misunderstood your question. Try setting the SelectionBoxItemTemplate.

Well so far I have tried ComboBoxItem, TextBlock, and Label. They all produce the same Result.
Can you link and e.g. I cant seem to set it the seam way I did the ItemTemplate. All my googling is not turning up anything simple and clean.
The SelectionBoxItemTemplate property is the property you need to set.. unfortunately, it's private. Try creating your own ComboBox style and setting that SelectionBoxItemTemplate to what you need.
+1  A: 

Check what DisplayerName member actually contains. Most likely it contains the UserControl name instead of the Display name.

Wallstreet Programmer
The DipslayerName field does have the valid string.The Items in the drop down contain the correct DisplayerName string i.e "Qualifying Scrolling Standings", Once its selected I cant figure out how to tell the control to use DisplayerName field as the selected display value.
What does your code for DisplayTypeComboBox_SelectionChanged method look like? Do you somehow mess with the SelectedItem after the user changed it?
Wallstreet Programmer
It is just setting the long description.SelectedDisplayer = (IDisplayer)DisplayTypeComboBox.SelectedItem; if (SelectedDisplayer != null) LongDiscriptionLabel.Text = SelectedDisplayer.DisplayerDescription;
+1  A: 
+1  A: 

I encountered the same thing. Took me a while too. :( You should have used the ItemContainerStyle and not ItemTemplate. Because ComboBox wraps the internal items with a ComboBoxItem - you basically wrapped the ComboBoxItem with another one.

I will try this out thanks!
Hmmm I must be missing somthing I cant seem to do anything as far as templating the bound data with ItemContainerStyle