



Hi all, I've deployed my application on a new machine, I've installed the Compact Edition Runtime and got a weird exception. I coudln't locate any info about that on the web furthermore, ways to solve it.

Maybe you've encountered it?

This is the exception:

Type : System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException, System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91

Message : The specified locale is not installed on this machine. Make sure you install the appropriate language pack. [ LCID = 1037 ]

Source : SQL Server Compact ADO.NET Data Provider Errors : System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeErrorCollection HResult : -2147467259 NativeError : 25130 Data : System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal

Thanks, Ariel


It's complaining about the locale. The website in your profile indicates you're from Italy. Is it possible you installed the italian version on an english machine, or vice versa?

Joel Coehoorn
I'm positive an English version was installed. (and il stand for Israel :))
My bad on the .il - Italy is .it, so I should have known :(
Joel Coehoorn

Seems to be related to Hebrew localization. LCID 1037 is the Hebrew locale identifier.

if the locale on the development machine and deployment machine are different. It might be the cause. however far fetch it seem.

Well what ever solved it was to install support for left-to-right languages. But it still puzzles me what is the reason for that. we use no such languages either in the app or the db. I shall need to investigate.
