Alright, I know this is a simple question, but I can't seem to get this sed command to work. I'm trying to get a text file and replace one bit of it from placeholder text to a study code. The study code that it is going to replace it with is passed into the script using arguments when the script is first ran. The problem is, when I try to replace the placeholder text with the variable $study, it replaces it with a literally "$study".
Right now my arguments set like this:
export study=$1
export tag=$2
export mode=$3
export select=$4
My sed command looks like this:
sed -i.backup -e 's/thisisthestudycodereplacethiswiththestudycode/$study/' freq.spx
Is there some easy way of getting sed to not look at the literal $study, or would it be better at this point to do it another way?