



When I first began bash scripting I spent a lot of time online trying to find resources for various tasks and things were scattered across tons of different forums and newsgroups.

I'm not completely sure if the idea of a list of resources for those new to bash scripting is something fitting of SO's community wiki or not. I'm posting on the assumption it will be down-voted if this isn't befitting.

Please post any online sources you find very useful either as an administrator or that you found useful during your learning process.

+2  A: 

The two best resources I've found are: - which gives you a cookbook style approach to learning scripts . this can often be quicker than learning a reference guide. - which gives you the a complete reference to Bash.

I've used both of these. Hope that helps. The Bash Cookbook by OReilly is also very good.

I would give you +1 for the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide, but -1 for shell-fu. The majority of stuff on there is horrible.
Jeremy Cantrell
Nothing about the ABS is worth points. It may be lengthy and have a lot of knowledge, but it has an equal amount of bugs AND bad practices. Something people should stay far away from when trying to learn how to do something and do it right, without the knowledge to filter out the junk.
+1  A: 

If you like "computer based training" (i.e. videos), I find that LinuxCBT is a pretty good resource.

They have courses on Bash and other scripting languages.

+2  A: 

Check out commandlinefu and these two articles for some great bash tips.

+1  A: 

Bash Programming intro HOWTO and Advanced Bash scripting howto

For examples of usage (when you're not sure) check out scripts on your system in /etc/rc.d/

+5  A: 

Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

You can download it and keep it as a local reference.

great resource, thx
+4  A: 

A small and incomplete list of some guides/tutorial

Don't take the ABS too serious. It's a great collection and a good guide, but it's not (A)dvanced. itself may or may not be of interest, the focus is not directly to provide tutorials, more background- or base info (like grammar and syntax).

You're too kind to the ABS. It's a pile of broken rubbish, and worse than that, it claims to be and looks like a decent guide. As a result, it attracts a lot of newbies in the field which in turn learn horrible practices. It's the bane of UNIX shell scripting and it should be abolished. Educational sources **should** be exemplary.

The two best places are probably, and the bash faq at is well worth taking a poke through for regular gotchas as well.
