How do I convert live streaming flv video to mp4?
Capture the FLV with a capture application and encode it with an mp4 encoder.
JP Alioto
2009-05-14 01:12:25
Quicktime API has QTUtils.toOSType where third choice is mpg4
ExportChoice[] choices = new ExportChoice[3];
choices[0] = new ExportChoice("Quicktime Movie", StdQTConstants.kQTFileTypeMovie);
choices[1] = new ExportChoice("AVI file", StdQTConstants.kQTFileTypeAVI);
choices[2] = new ExportChoice("MPEG-4 file", QTUtils.toOSType("mpg4"));
QTFile file = QTFile.standardGetFilePreview(QTFile.kStandardQTFileTypes);
OpenMovieFile omFile = OpenMovieFile.asRead(file);
Movie movie = Movie.fromFile(omFile);
JComboBox exportCombo = new JComboBox(choices);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, exportCombo, "Choose exporter",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
ExportChoice choice = (ExportChoice)exportCombo.getSelectedItem();
MovieExporter exporter = new MovieExporter(choice.subtype);
QTFile saveFile = new QTFile(new"Untitled"));
movie.convertToFile(null,saveFile, StdQTConstants.kQTFileTypeMovie,StdQTConstants.kMoviePlayer, IOConstants.smSystemScript, StdQTConstants.showUserSettingsDialog | StdQTConstants.movieToFileOnlyExport | StdQTConstants.movieFileSpecValid, exporter);
2009-05-23 01:25:23
Download,convert flv video to all popular formats eg:mp4,wmv,avi,mov,etc.use a tool named Streaming Video Recorder,it's a flv video downloader and video converter,it worth using. Have a try.