



Hello there, I've found myself evaluating both of these libs. Apart from what the GraphicsMagick comparison says, I see that ImageMagick still got updates and it seems that the two are almost identical.

So, what should I use for standard image manipulation using C++? (i.e. image load, filters, display)

Thank you! QbProg


I use ImageMagick Magick++ API and I'm quite satisfied. I use ImageMagick for almost all my batch image manipulation needs, so it's logical to continue with Magick++ Really don't understand the need of GraphicsMagick fork. Hope it helps. mario

The general consensus here runs against this selected answer -- that although ImageMagick is capable, it certainly isn't as fast. My tests have also shown this as well.
+5  A: 

From what I have read GraphicsMagick is more stable and is faster. I did a couple of unscientific tests and found gm to be twice as fast as im (doing a resize).

Derek Ekins
+3  A: 

I found ImageMagick to be incredibly slow for processing TIFF group-4 images (B&W document images), mainly due to the fact that it converts from 1-bit-per-pixel to 8 and back again to do any image manipulation. The GraphicsMagick group overhauled the TIFF format support with their version 1.2, and it is much faster at processing these types of images than the original ImageMagick was. The current GraphicsMagick stable release is at 1.3.5.

E Brown
+11  A: 


I am the author of the Magick++ API referenced here and am also the principle maintainer of GraphicsMagick. GraphicsMagick includes Magick++ so it should be easy to use both ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick via the Magick++ API.

GraphicsMagick is up to release 1.3.7 now.


+1  A: 

Hi, Gm is much faster than ImageMagic specially when we talk about resizing of the images.

Thank you!!!

Anuj Maheshwari