




I'm clearly in need of improving my knowledge in this Java field, or I'm doomed to produce "look the same but not exactly" code.
I'm already have the bases... but I'm looking for a training / tuturial oriented only to this.


+13  A: 
Michael Myers
Effective java sounds like a great books,i will have to buy it. Thanks for the chapter.
Antoine Claval

It sounds like maybe you're missing out on some design patterns and refactoring techniques. There's not really any way to learn this over night, but if you read up on some of the design patterns that are out there, it might get you thinking about how you could write code to be a little more generic and reusable.

Ed Altorfer
i'v read tree of this resource ( two times for the head first ... ) and no, it's more generics than pattern who misse to my developper toolbox. ( And the sun generics tutorial is a bit dry )
Antoine Claval

I would suggest getting Cay Horstmann's book 'Big Java'. This is the book that I have used for all 3 of my college Java courses.

Josh Curren
+4  A: 

The book written by one of the designers of Java Generics, Philip Wadler

Julien Chastang
Woow. A whole books for the subject ? Classy.
Antoine Claval

You seek the one called Skeet.

I've learned more about generics reading his answers to questions tagged Generics than in any book.

I'd vote you down for a gratuitous Skeet joke, but it's true. :|
Michael Myers
+1  A: 

Hello, for a good and short introduction I recommend the PDF Generics in the Java Programming Language by Gilad Bracha.
