I have a semi-large (hundreds of records) 1-dimensional array in Coldfusion. Each item in the array is a struct with several properties. I want to search the array for a struct that has a specific "name" property. I know that for an array of string values I could use Java methods like so:
<cfset arrayIndex = myArray.indexOf("WhatImLookingFor") + 1>
...but that won't work for an array of structs. I also know I could brute-force it like this:
<cfset arrayIndex = 0>
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(myArray)#" index="counter">
<cfif myArray[counter].name IS "WhatImLookingFor">
<cfset arrayIndex = counter>
...but I feel like there must be a more efficient way. Does anyone have a better solution than this? You can assume that the "name" property is present in every struct and there are no gaps or other objects in the array.