Hello, I cannot for the life of me figure out how I can enable memcache on Mac OSX to work w/ apache. I have installed memcache and can verify that it is working via the php command line.
The following command:
php --ri memcache
reports that memcache is supported.
However, if I load a local test script that executes phpinfo() in my browser, it does not report that memcahe is installed. Running a script in my browser that instantiates a new memcache object reports:
Fatal error: Class ‘Memcache’ not found
I have edited php.ini and added extensions=memcache.so
I have restarted apache by going to System Preferences->Sharing and disabling and enabling Web Sharing. I have even tried restarting apache from the command line w/ sudo apachectl restart.
What could I be missing that is preventing php from recognizing memcache when executed through the browser?