



What is the best way to convert an array of chars to bytes and vice versa?


void CharToByte(char* chars, byte* bytes, unsigned int count){
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
     bytes[i] = (byte)chars[i];

void ByteToChar(byte* bytes, char* chars, unsigned int count){
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      chars[i] = (char)bytes[i];
+3  A: 

There is no byte type in C++, and according to the Standard:



A byte is at least large enough to contain any member of the basic execution character set and is composed of a contiguous sequence of bits, the number of which is implementation-defined.


sizeof(char), sizeof(signed char) and sizeof(unsigned char) are 1; the result of sizeof applied to any other fundamental type (3.9.1) is implementation-defined.

Actually, I believe a char is defined to be exactly 1 byte (but at least 8 bits). At least, sizeof(char) is defined to be 1.
Chris Lutz
@Chris: According to 1.7 in the standard, a byte is defined as "at least large enough to hold any member of the basic execution character set", but this may involve an implementation-defined number of bits. The size of char is always exactly 1 such "byte."
+1  A: 

In almost every C++ implementation you'll come across, a char is exactly a byte an octet. This is not guaranteed by the C++ standard, but it's practically always the case. A char is always at least 8 bits large, and the exact number of bits is given by the preprocessor constant CHAR_BIT. Also, the sizeof() operator tells you the size of an object/type in terms of the number of chars, not the number of bytes octets, so if you were on some weird system with a 16-bit char and a 32-bit int, then sizeof(int) would be 2, not 4.

EDIT: Replaced byte by octet. A char is guaranteed to be a byte by the C standard, but a byte is not guaranteed to be an octet, which is exactly 8 bits. If you've ever read any French technical literature, they always use 'octet' instead of 'byte', and they have kilooctets (KO), megaoctets (MO), etc. instead of kilbytes and megabytes.

Adam Rosenfield
"This is not guaranteed by the C++ standard..." Really? I'm pretty sure it's guaranteed by the C standard.
Chris Lutz
In C++ we get the number of bits in a char with std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::digits, defined in <limits>.
@Adam, the size of char is guaranteed by the standard back to ANSI 89. It's one of the very few types they ever bothered to give a concrete size to.

char and byte are the same. Good luck.

+1  A: 

There is no byte type in C++. You could typedef 'unsigned char' to 'byte' if that makes it nicer. Really thats all a byte is in C++ - an unsigned char. Aside from that, yes I would cast... but this cast is better:

unsigned_char_arr[i]= static_cast<unsigned char>(char_arr[i]);

or... just use the char array and cast it when it needs to be interpreted as an unsigned char...

+6  A: 

The type char is one of the few types that has a size guaranteed by the ANSI standard and that size is 1 byte. As far as I know C does not directly define the type byte. However it would be just short of insane to have a type named byte which is not in fact a byte in size. Therefore a simple cast should do the trick.

typedef unsigned char byte;
@soulmerge yes but I'm not sure it's officially a part of the standard.