



I am having problems implementing the function described here here.

This is my Java implementation:

private static double[] pointRadialDistance(double lat1, double lon1, 
  double radianBearing, double radialDistance) {
  double lat = Math.asin(Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(radialDistance)+Math.cos(lat1)
  double lon;
     if(Math.cos(lat) == 0) {  // Endpoint a pole
     else {
        lon = ((lon1-Math.asin(Math.sin(radianBearing)*Math.sin(radialDistance)/Math.cos(lat))
          +Math.PI) % (2*Math.PI)) - Math.PI;
 return (new double[]{lat, lon});

I convert the degree bearing to radians and convert the distance (km) into a radians distance before calling the function - so that's not the problem.

However, when I input coordinates such as: lat = 49.25705; lon = -123.140259; with a bearing of 225 (south-west) and a distance of 1km

I get this returned: lat: -1.0085434360125864 lon: -3.7595299668539504

Its obviously not correct, can anyone see what I am doing wrong?


+2  A: 

Fundamentally, it appears that your problem is that you are passing latitude, longitude and bearing as degrees rather than radians. Try ensuring that you are always passing radians to your function and see what you get back.

PS: see similar issues discussed here and here.

Bob Cross
No, as I said, I convert bearing to radians before I pass it to the function. However, I have not converted latitude and longitude, do they have to be converted to radians, is that possible?
Yes, you should enter all of your angular inputs in radians.
Bob Cross

The result I get back to I have to subtract/add to the original lat/lon?

Still not found a solution for this, i'm using radians and it still screws up!!!
Commenting in the question.
Bob Cross
+4  A: 

It seems like these are the issues in your code:

  1. You need to convert lat1 and lon1 to radians before calling your function.
  2. You may be scaling radialDistance incorrectly.
  3. Testing a floating-point number for equality is dangerous. Two numbers that are equal after exact arithmetic might not be exactly equal after floating-point arithmetic. Thus abs(x-y) < threshold is safer than x == y for testing two floating-point numbers x and y for equality.
  4. I think you want to convert lat and lon from radians to degrees.

Here is my implementation of your code in Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from math import asin,cos,pi,sin

rEarth = 6371.01 # Earth's average radius in km
epsilon = 0.000001 # threshold for floating-point equality

def deg2rad(angle):
    return angle*pi/180

def rad2deg(angle):
    return angle*180/pi

def pointRadialDistance(lat1, lon1, bearing, distance):
    Return final coordinates (lat2,lon2) [in degrees] given initial coordinates
    (lat1,lon1) [in degrees] and a bearing [in degrees] and distance [in km]
    rlat1 = deg2rad(lat1)
    rlon1 = deg2rad(lon1)
    rbearing = deg2rad(bearing)
    rdistance = distance / rEarth # normalize linear distance to radian angle

    rlat = asin( sin(rlat1) * cos(rdistance) + cos(rlat1) * sin(rdistance) * cos(rbearing) )

    if cos(rlat) == 0 or abs(cos(rlat)) < epsilon: # Endpoint a pole
     rlon = ( (rlon1 - asin( sin(rbearing)* sin(rdistance) / cos(rlat) ) + pi ) % (2*pi) ) - pi

    lat = rad2deg(rlat)
    lon = rad2deg(rlon)
    return (lat, lon)

def main():
    print "lat1 \t lon1 \t\t bear \t dist \t\t lat2 \t\t lon2"
    testcases = []
    for lat1, lon1, bear, dist in testcases:
     (lat,lon) = pointRadialDistance(lat1,lon1,bear,dist)
     print "%6.2f \t %6.2f \t %4.1f \t %6.1f \t %6.2f \t %6.2f" % (lat1,lon1,bear,dist,lat,lon)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here is the output:

lat1     lon1    bear   dist    lat2    lon2
  0.00     0.00    0.0      1.0     0.01     0.00
  0.00     0.00   90.0      1.0     0.00    -0.01
  0.00     0.00    0.0    100.0     0.90     0.00
  0.00     0.00   90.0    100.0     0.00    -0.90
 49.26   -123.14   225.0      1.0    49.25   -123.13
 49.26   -123.14   225.0    100.0    48.62   -122.18
 49.26   -123.14   225.0   1000.0    42.55   -114.51
Thanks, I forgot to convert rad back to deg!As you did here:lat = rad2deg(rlat)lon = rad2deg(rlon)Thanks, for taking the time to help me out

When I implemented this, my resulting latitudes were correct but the longitudes were wrong. For example starting point: 36.9460678N 9.434807E, Bearing 45.03334, Distance 15.0083313km The result was 37.0412865N 9.315302E That's further west than my starting point, rather than further east. In fact it's as if the bearing was 315.03334 degrees.

More web searching led me to: The longitude code is show below (in C# with everything in radians)

        if ((Math.Cos(rLat2) == 0) || (Math.Abs(Math.Cos(rLat2)) < EPSILON))
            rLon2 = rLon1;
            rLon2 = rLon1 + Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(rBearing) * Math.Sin(rDistance) * Math.Cos(rLat1), Math.Cos(rDistance) - Math.Sin(rLat1) * Math.Sin(rLat2));

This seems to work fine for me. Hope it's helpful.


hello day Sir/maam

        how to convert bearing to Coordinates example : 

 N 79-23 E, 10.01 m
 N 83-28 E, 10.01 m
 S 18-09 E, 1.40 m
 S 21-19 E, 4.40 m
 S 24-29 E, 4.40 m
 S 27-39 E, 4.40 m
 S 30-49 E, 4.40 m
 S 76-46 W, 19.30 m
 S 77-57 W, 2.99 m
 N 18-00 W, 23.17 m
Earl Maine

Hi las3rjock

Thanks for your python code I tried setting it up in my use case where I'm trying to find the lat lon of a point in between two others at a set distance from the first point so it's quite similare to your code appart that my bearing is dynamically calculated

startpoint(lat1) lon1/lat1 = 55.625541,-21.142463

end point (lat2) lon2/lat2 = 55.625792,-22.142248

my result should be a point in between these two at lon3/lat3 unfortunetly I get lon3/lat3 = 0.0267695450609,0.0223553243666

I thought this might be a difference in lat lon but no when I add or sub it it's not good

any advice would be really great Thanks

here's my implementation

distance = 0.001 epsilon = 0.000001

calculating bearing dynamically

y = math.sin(distance) * math.cos(lat2);
x = math.cos(lat1)*math.sin(lat2) - math.sin(lat1)*math.cos(lat2)*math.cos(distance);
bearing = math.atan2(y, x)

calculating lat3 lon3 dynamically

rlat1 = (lat1 * 180) / math.pi
rlon1 = (lon1 * 180) / math.pi
rbearing = (bearing * 180) / math.pi
rdistance = distance / R # normalize linear distance to radian angle

rlat = math.asin( math.sin(rlat1) * math.cos(rdistance) + math.cos(rlat1) * math.sin(rdistance) * math.cos(rbearing) )
if math.cos(rlat) == 0 or abs(math.cos(rlat)) < epsilon: # Endpoint a pole
    rlon = ( (rlon1 + math.asin( math.sin(rbearing)* math.sin(rdistance) / math.cos(rlat) ) + math.pi ) % (2*math.pi) ) - math.pi

lat3 = (rlat * math.pi)/ 180
lon3 = (rlon * math.pi)/ 180