



I would like to try using maven from ant (for exaple to build my Java SE apps that needs all dependencies stored in ./lib/*, or just because doing anything short of dependency management in maven is too damn hard ;)).

But the documentation is nonexistent, and google also didn't give me a clue on how to use them. So any good docs/tutorials? Or maybe someone just has some examples at hand?

+1  A: 

You might find the Maven Ant tasks useful.

Edit: Okay, maybe you will find this useful.

Thanks its a good start :) will up you, but I'd this question to stay a little bit longer in unanswered questions.
Well, you can up me without marking the question answered... :-) I'll up you on the question so it gets a little higher priority, in case someone else out there has a better bit of info than me.
+2  A: 

for depenceny handling from ant give a try to ivy

+1  A: 

I do this using the maven assembly plugin... in the pom use the following


And then in my maven-build.xml I have something like this...


Yes, I also found that there's very little documentation on this. So I tried to explain the Maven Ant Tasks in detail (with examples) here:

Why you should use the Maven Ant Tasks instead of Maven or Ivy

Peter Thomas