



Debug HTTP is easy, you have all sort of tools to do it (like Fiddler). What about SMTP?

How to Debug SMTP Communications?

My target system is Windows.

Suggested tools:

  • Ethereal
  • tcpdump
  • Microsoft Network Monitor

Try Ethereal - its a free network protocol analyzer.

The SMTP protocol is all ascii, so once you see whats inside the TCP connection, you should be good to go.

It will take a bit of work learning how to use Ethereal.

Matthias Wandel
In this case, I prefer "Microsoft Network Monitor". It is very easy to use... But I was looking to something more specific to SMTP.
Daniel Silveira

Use tools like ethereal ( or tcpdump (, if you want to see the SMTP traffic.

If you like to check your server for compliance with relaying standards, do a


from your SMTP server and it checks your server for relaying vulnerabilities.


You can use a SMTP development server, like Neptune or Antix. Both work the same way: they create a "fake" SMTP server in your machine so you can test your e-mail sending methods, without actually sending the messages they receive.

Rodrigo Sieiro
+1  A: 

For the two people who responded with Ethereal: We renamed the project to Wireshark ( back in 2006 due to trademark issues. I strongly recommend upgrading.

Depending on your exact issue, Wireshark's Follow TCP Stream feature is pretty useful for debugging Internet Message protocols, including SMTP.

Gerald Combs