




Hi there,

Is Helvetica available in ttf format? If not, what might be some good alternatives? I would appreciate any links to download on ttf format, thanks!


You can download Arial from the msttcorefonts project. According to Wikipedia:

Monotype's Arial, designed in 1982, while different from Helvetica in some few details, has identical character widths, and is indistinguishable by most non-specialists.

Arial is NOT a good alternative to Helvetica.
Based on what? They look pretty much the same here.
Arial only looks like Helvetica at 12pt and below. Above that it starts to look rubbish fast - even to people who couldn't tell you why.
Out of morbid curiosity, I took a poll of 14 people in our office today. I gave them a piece of paper with the classic "The quick brown fox.." on it two times in 28 point font - once in Helvetica, once in Arial, each clearly labelled - printed via a Xerox Workcenter 5638. I then took that sheet away and gave them a sheet with it once in Helvetica and asked them which of the two fonts had been used. 3 of them said Arial, 4 of them said Helvetica, 7 of them were uncomfortable even guessing because they "pretty much look the same". Not scientific, I know, but something to think about.
+1  A: 

Of course Arial is without the doubt the bastard half brother of Helvetica - and is clearly distinguishable all 'specialists'. For a good history check http://www.ms-studio.com/articles.html or check out the fantastic doco 'Helvetica'.

+2  A: 

And, to complete the trifecta of answers, see also the Bitstream Vera Sans family: http://www.gnome.org/fonts/

a paid nerd