


+2  Q: 

Application Server

What are some factors that would drive me away from using Tomcat in production for an enterprise application. My company is not big, but a few departments, and it will be a dynamic site (db, web services). I am not planning to use EJBs, but Spring and POJOs. Beside EJBs, is there a technical reason about an application that would necessarily mean that I cannot use Tomcat?

+2  A: 

I have successfully used Tomcat in production. There is no technical reason not to use it.

Jim Blizard
What in a web application would necessarily mean one cannot use Tomcat?For instance, if you wanted to use EJBs, you cannot use Tomcat(i'm not planning to, just an example)
Not true - you can use EJBs if you add OpenEJB to your Tomcat deployment. (ActiveMQ gives you MDBs as well.)
i did not know that. thanks!
I would recommend staying on the Spring path rather than using OpenEJB.
+1  A: 

I can't think of any technical reasons, but you should consider your support options. How mission-critical is the application? Will you require 24-hour, instant on-demand support? If so you will need to look for a 3rd party support provider. If not, the tomcat community may be sufficient for support.

Scott Ewers

I think that since Spring purchased one of the leading Tomcat support providers it's more viable than ever. If you've got a small company with a limited budget, why not?
