



Please try to forgive this slightly off-programming-topic question. At least I'm getting this problem when porting my C++ code to Linux. The problem I'm having is very basic: some key combinations are not recognized by emacs. One result of that is that I can't 'undo' edits in Emacs.

I'm running Putty.exe from Windows to my Ubuntu machine. The Putty character set (Window -> Translation -> received data char set) is UTF-8, and all my Swedish characters show up neatly on the console. When in Emacs however, I can't get C-_ to work. Nothing happens. The key combination on my Swedish keyboard is

Ctrl Shift -

Any pointers are helpful!

+2  A: 

Try with just Ctrl and "-". I do not use emacs, but I use that key for screen(1) since it is not used for anything else (and the default of Ctrl-a is not so useful). On windows (with my Norwegian keyboard) the keypress to trigger it is just Ctrl-. In konsole windows in KDE Ctrl- will decrease font size, so there I have to fall back to Ctrl Shift - (it used to be just Ctrl- there as well some years ago).

+1  A: 

When I'm editing with Swedish keyboard settings I have gotten used to undo with C-x u for reasons I can't remember anymore.
