If I do something like
SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY mycolumn ASC;
I get a result table in a specific order.
Is there a way in SQL to efficiently find out, given a PK, what position in that result table would contain the record with my PK?
If I do something like
SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY mycolumn ASC;
I get a result table in a specific order.
Is there a way in SQL to efficiently find out, given a PK, what position in that result table would contain the record with my PK?
On databases that support it, you could use ROW_NUMBER() for this purpose:
FROM mytable
) sub
WHERE sub.mycolumn = 42
The example assumes you're looking for primary key 42 :)
The subquery is necessary because something like:
FROM mytable
WHERE sub.mycolumn = 42
Will always return 1; ROW_NUMBER() works after the WHERE, so to speak.
There's no way you can tell that without selecting an entire subset of records. If your PK is of integer type, you can
select count(*) from mytable
where id <= 10 -- Record with ID 10
order by mycolumn asc
SQL doesn't work that way. It's set-based, which means that "position in that result table" is meaningless to the database.
You can keep track of position when you map the ResultSet into a collection of objects or when you iterate over it.
You can count the number of records where the value that you are sorting on has a lower value than the record that you know the key value of:
select count(*)
from mytable
where mycolumn < (select mycolumn from mytable where key = 42)
Unfortunately you cannot get "the position of a row in a table".
The best you can get, using ORDER BY and a variant of the ROW_NUMBER construct (depends on the database engine in use), is the position of a row in the resultset of the query executed.
This position does not map back to any position in the table, though, unless the ORDER BY is on a set of clustered index columns, but even then that position might be invalidated the next second.
What I would like to know is what you intended to use this "position" for.