




Can anybody please tell what's "Error 127", while am compiling my source with a makefile?

For example (sorry about the whitespace; copied from comment)

+1  A: 

Post the full error message. This error normally means a command (i.e. an executable) cannot be found.

The error you posted indicates that it is looking for the 'cl' executable but can't find it. You need to add the path to this executable to your PATH variable.

D:\usr\xtensa\XtDevToolsDE\install\builds\RB-2008.4-win32\DC_108mini\examples\XTMP>make cl /nologo /vmg /EHsc /GS- /O2 /MD /W3 /wd4996 I D:\usr\xtensa\XtDevToolsDE\install\tools\RB-2008.4 -win32\XtensaTools\include -DXTENSA_SYSTEM=\"D:/usr/xtensa/XtDevToolsDE/XtensaRegistry/RB-2008.4-win 32\" -DXTENSA_CORE=\"DC_108mini\" /c up_iss.c make: cl: Command not found make: *** [up_iss.obj] Error 127
Renjith G
yes correct ..i have changed 'cl' to my native 'gcc' then also the same effect ie Error 127
Renjith G
link /out:up_iss.exe up_iss.obj fiber_driver.obj xtmp_options.obj getopt.obj D:\usr\xtensa\XtDevToolsDE\install\tools\RB-2008.4-win32\XtensaTools/lib/iss/xtmp.libmake: link: Command not foundmake: *** [up_iss.exe] Error 127
Renjith G
the GCC linker is called "ld", not link (or you can use "gcc"). You appear to be trying to use a makefile written for MS products with GCC.
exactly..u r perfectly correct..i got my mistake..
Renjith G

It means that make cannot find a particular program it needs to complete the make job.

Andre Miller